
Friday, May 25, 2012

Storm of...

As the familiar storm rips away at my heart,
I reminisce over continuing thoughts of you,
Of how at first you were nothing but a stranger,
Then day by day you became much much more,
So much more that I forgot myself,
You became the center of my lonely world,
You showed me the light in the darkness,
The beauty in what I could not see,
The courage in what I could not imagine,
You showed me alot, if only everything,
Maybe then I would not have to suppress these emotions for you,
Maybe then I could hold your heart close to mine,
Maybe then I could show you the passion my soul aches to,
Maybe then you would think of me as I do you,
Ha..but if that would have happened,
I would not be here, bearing this storm,
May Karma let her give you the love that I would have.

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