
Friday, May 25, 2012

And Now Your Soul

Everyone has moments of darkness,
When confusion clouds their mind,
And it rips away at their soul,
Like its feeding from their whole,
But you cannot let it take yours away,
You have to fight it, find the light in it,
If you give up now, Picture this,
All your enemies picking away at your being,
You screaming in pain, like youre going insane,
Who can survive such torture, you may ask yourself,
The answer is no one,
Then you may ask, Why,
And the answer will be because you let them.
You let them in like a fool, you let them know your weaknesses,
You let them eat and sleep in your sanctuary,
You let them in, no one but you.
You ignored the signs of their existence,
You ignored the answers your mind seeked,
But now you choose to search and it is too late.
They are already nearly done with you.
What can you do now and the answer would be nothing.
Now stop picturing that and picture this,
You. Happy.

1 comment:

AH said...

That was deep right there. I'm kind of curious about how you was feeling when you first wrote this.

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